Online Videos, Both Inspirational And Practical On Parents And Teachers Working Together
There are a good number of free online videos that are positive, inspirational, or teach us how important it is to work together -- taxpayers, parents, teachers, and school administrators. In this section, we'll link to and summarize videos we think both parents and teachers should watch, and think about.
Dealing With Difficult And Emotional Parents
Defusing Angry and Emotional Parents
Nice eight minute video done for teachers to help them deal with the "insane" parents. Very much worth reading, but really not complete.
Parent-Teacher Role Play Demonstrating Defusing Emotion Techniques
I like this role play/example of how a teacher can deal with an emotional parent, because the interaction rings true. Too bad it doesn't have captions on it to explain what's going on, so can you spot and describe what the teacher does? If so, leave your observations in the comments below the video.
Inspirational About Parents Getting Involved In Schools
What I Want For My Children: In effect, an excellent music, commentary and pictures that are both moving and inspirational, aimed at parents, but worth watching by teachers too.
How The ABC School District Built Better Bridges Between Parents And School: Recommended. A fifteen minute video illustrating that it's possible for schools to engage parents and the community.
Funny, Maybe Disturbing On The State Of Schools And Parenting
Bill Maher's Video: Don't Blame Teachers - Blame Parents: OK. It's funny. But it IS comedy. See my commentary.
Videos Tackling The Challenges, But Also The Benefits Of Parent-Teacher Partnerships
Parental Involvement In The School: Animated video portraying a discussion between a parent and child that actually stresses, in an over-the-top way the split between parents and teachers. The teacher is portrayed in a very negative light, but consider it hyperbole. There's some real issues here.
For Teachers: Example Of How To Conduct An Effective Parent-Teacher Meeting: Lots of good hints and pointers on the topic in this eight minute video.
Why Parental Involvement Is Important - Even The Kids Love It: Short three minute video that covers the reasons why parental involvement is important. A good vid for both parents and teachers.
Humor Video: A Light Hearted Look At What Teachers Should Do, And Not Do, When Making Home Visits: It's hard to explain. It's funny. Warning, though, the music will cause you to bang your head against the wall, but there's good learning points here.
Better Teaching
We've selected some thought provoking, longer video lectures we believe many teachers will find useful due to their relevance to improving teaching.
Are You Making It Worthwhile For Students To Come To School: One hour video that focuses on the importance of not being just a talking textbook. Primarily for university/higher education professors, but worth looking at even for those teaching at the public school level.