Goin' Back To My Roots -- Education

Yes, that's me. YES, that's a pig, or rather a pot bellied pig that one of my seminar participants in Aspen, Colorado brought to a seminar I was leading. Never before taught with a pig wandering 'round the classroom, but he was certainly well behaved!

My first classroom experience was at the age of twenty or so, when I was asked to be a teaching assistant in the Psychology program in which I was enrolled. Scary stuff, for a young man who though he knew far more than he did, and quickly found out.

I went to graduate school at the Ontario Institute For Studies In Education, in Applied Psychology, where I worked in developing more effective training programs for teachers, and had the opportunity to work in the Faculty of Education with novice teachers and teach at the community college level.

Sprinkle in supervising practice teachers, and doing a lot of seminars for teachers at various levels.

But I moved away from Education to take a job with government, essentially became a trainer of adults, and a management consultant.

When I moved on, and started my own business, I continued on that path, and have had the good fortune to write, and have published something like twenty books that have been translated into a number of languages, and sold hundreds of thousands of copies world-wide, albeit rather quietly.

But Now, It's Time To Get Back To My Education Roots

I miss it. It's been along time away, although I have done a few seminars for teachers and school board officials over the years. The miss the sheer damned importance of what teachers and administrators do, and their contribution to the welfare of our most precious resource -- our children (I know, a bit hackneyed)/

I'm not so interested in working with banks to help them improve their profits. Or, for that matter most for-profit businesses. Done that.

So, welcome me back. This site reflects the desire to do what I can to help our beleagured educators, school adminstrators, school board officials and all the support staff who keep everything going. Because...

Ultimately, it takes a village to teach a child. I'm moving back to that village!