Information About Building Bridges Between Home And School: The Educator's / Teacher's Guide To Dealing With Emotional And Upset Parents
According to a recent article in the Kansas City Star entitled Teachers Experience a Growing Number of Angry, Abusive parents , abuse, and even violence aimed at teachers by parents is happening more often, and is becoming more severe.
While this isn't surprising, given society's seeming loss of civility, it's a huge problem, for a multitude of reasons, with school safety at the head of the line, and right behind it, the need for schools to work in tandem with parents for the good of each and ever child.
I decided to rewrite and re-publish a handbook or guide for educators to help them deal more effectively with those angry situations. Based on the idea that it takes a village to teach a child, the book provides educators with practical, behavioral actions to take in dealing with emotional parents.
From this page you can access complete information about the book, and the soon to be forthcoming "professional development in a book" workbook.
Book Details
What's Inside: View the complete table of contents to see the range and depth of the techniques you'll learn, ranging from basics like listening and empathy statements, through dealing with physically intimidating parents and working and presenting to resistant and negative groups or audiences.
Free Excerpts: Want to get an idea of the tone, and approaches the book uses? We have various excerpts and samples you can read. Even if you aren't interested in purchasing your own copy, you'll find these useful.
Front Matter: Complete Table Of Contents, Plus Prefaces And How Teachers Can Get The Most From Using This Book.
Using The Building Bridges Book In In-Service and Professional Development Activities: Learn how to use the book as a basis for professional development activities to combat these difficult parental situations.