A Better Awareness Of School Safety From School Tragedies
While we would all hope that the horrific school shooting tragedies will never be repeated, they have resulted in an increased understanding of just how at risk school staff, and students may be. Apart from the usual blaming and trying to find who is at fault for essentially complex events and issues, there's also been an explosion of ideas on how to improve school safety. And, most schools have stepped up their efforts to improve teacher and student safety.
We Need More Awareness Regarding Teacher Safety Too
While teacher safety measures are certainly part and parcel of overall school safety, there's still room to go. School security has been stepped up, but school staff are not always as well protected when meeting outside of school hours than they are during school time. It needs to be addressed as a separate issue. For example, parent-teacher meetings can go bad too, and characterized by violence, or more commonly, verbal abuse that may require abusive people to be escorted out of the school.
With an apparent increased awareness of school safety, there have been more reports of assaults on teachers, primarily by students, but also by others, so hopefully, the same attention will be paid to 24/7 teacher safety.
Top : Teacher Safety : Page 2 :
We are all concerned about school violence and safety since several tragic events at schools. In this section, we'll look specifically at TEACHER SAFETY.
More Teacher Safety: Teacher Safety
Teacher Safety - Berkeley Federation of Teachers - by Berkeley Federation of TeachersSome basic tips from the Berkeley Federation Of Teachers on what to do if you feel threatened by a parent or teacher. (Views So Far 251 )
Teacher Safety - Head Teacher Attacked - by na
A primary school head teacher who was attacked by the father of a pupil has said all staff and students are at risk from stressed parents. Paul Stratford punched Zita McCormick in front of other teachers after his son was suspended from Seven Fields School near Swindon for swearing. He received a nine-month community order at court on Thursday. Education campaigners have condemned the sentence, saying prison should have been considered. The BBC reports that Stratford punched and pushed Mrs McCormick in the foyer of the school following an argument about his eight-year-old son's behaviour on 22 June. (There are a few other links to stories of parents attacking teachers at the bottom of the article.) (Views So Far 285 )
Teachers experience a growing number of angry, abusive parents - by MIKE HENDRICKS
This 2013 article in the Kansas city Press suggests that angry parents are becoming a larger challenge, and even that angry verbal attacks on teachers can escalate into physical violence. (Views So Far 250 )
Tips For Teacher's Safety - by Mickie Mathes
In many situations, teachers are confronted today with situations which were unheard of only a few years ago. The increasing violence in our schools has endangered the lives of many teachers in numerous ways, and very few teacher training programs prepare teachers with the skills necessary for disarming a student who pulls a weapon, or determining when or if to intercede in a violent multi-student confrontation. The guidelines which I suggest should not be thought of as extensive or complete preparation for teachers who are confronted with a weapons violation or a hostage crisis in the classroom. Rather these general guidelines are intended to offer some suggestions for the teacher confronted with violence, or the potential for violence. First and foremost, your most important advantage in any potentially violent situation, is your own best judgement. Using your judgement, and when appropriate, the guidelines below, you may be able to reduce your personal risk, and increase the likelihood that your reactions to potential violence in the classroom will appropriately resolve the situation without harm to anyone. (Views So Far 233 )
Understanding and Preventing Violence Directed Against Teachers - by APA
Must read extensive report on violence directed at teachers. Full report from the Task Force on Classroom Violence Directed Against Teachers (Views So Far 263 )
Understanding and Preventing Violence Directed Against Teachers - by Various academic contributors
A must read extensive report, including statistics on violence towards teachers, this is a research document authored by the American Psychological Association. (Views So Far 241 )