Top : Teacher Guides - Parent - Teacher Meetings : Student Led Conferences : Page 2 :
Traditional parent teacher conferences either have the student as a bystander, or not present at all. Student lead meetings focus on the student, and make him or her an active participant. Here's more on how to do it, and the benefits and disadvantages.
Available Help About: Teacher Guides - Parent - Teacher Meetings : Student Led Conferences
Student-Led Parent-Teacher Conferences - by Brent VasicekA teacher explains the steps in setting up, implementing and following up on student-led conferences, with some very practical, real world tips. (Views So Far 235 )
Tips for Holding Student-Led Conferences - by Angela Watson
Another nice guide to the what's, why's and how's of student led conferences, including a free downloadable PDF conference form you can use. Includes what questions to ask. (Views So Far 301 )
Video: Kindergarten Student-Led Conference - by na
Think a kindergartner can't lead a parent teacher conference? Take a look at this video of Trinity, using her portfolio to talk about her achievements. (Views So Far 250 )
Video: Student-Led Parent Teacher Conference - by na
See what a student-led conference looks and sounds like in this six minute video. Emma, a fourth grader leads the process. Great for stimulating your own ideas about how to best do it. (Views So Far 265 )
Working Constructively with Families:When Students Lead Parent-Teacher Conferences - by Lyn Le Countryman
Need a complete guide to student led parent-teacher conferences? Try this. It's quite comprehensive and detailed - a how to guide. (Views So Far 247 )