Top : Communication Between Teachers And Parents : Page 4 :

There are other methods and means to improve communication between home and school, parents and teachers. In this section you'll find more advice on this process.

Available Help About: Communication Between Teachers And Parents

How to Prepare a Parent Teacher Communication Plan - Communication Doesn't Just Happen - by Beth Dickinson
In this article Beth maps out how to go about creating a parent teacher communication plan, and its importance, since communication doesn't "just happen". It has to be intended to, and intentional, and organized (Views So Far 324 )

I'm not your enemy: 10 things parents and teachers want each other to know - by Nicole Saidi
In another CNN installment exploring relationships between teachers and parents, you see what parents and teachers want EACH OTHER to know. Fascinating stuff if you are interested in how to improve these relationships, and updated in 2013. (Views So Far 310 )

Increasing Parent-Teacher-Child Communication for Beginning Teachers: S.O.S. Style - by Melanie Stier
Sharing and communicating with parents can be a very intimidating prospect for new or beginning teachers, especially when it comes to sharing or reporting about student work, missing assignments, or behavior. Keeping parents informed about the progress of their child can pose to be even more daunting, if new or beginning teachers are not prepared or organized to share information systematically with them. Creating a Student Organization System (S.O.S.) could become a valuable instrument new or beginning teachers implement that will not only impact parental awareness and involvement, but also provide ownership for the students. Communicating and sharing openly with parents about homework and school expectations, helping students stay on top of their work, and helping beginning teachers stay connected with both parents and students can bridge the communication gap that often exists. (Views So Far 318 )

Journal Article: Communicating with Parents: Strategies for Teachers - by Susan Graham-Clay
Journal article that looks at the importance of communication between parents and teachers, and how teachers and schools can work to improve it. (Views So Far 274 )

Keeping High School Parents Involved & Informed | - by Nicole Sledge
Building a good rapport with parents is vital to students' success. Beyond the initial meeting, I've found it essential to keep an open dialogue with parents. The everyday demands of teaching may make it hard to have a traditional one-on-one dialogue with parents frequently, but I've found that I can maintain good communication by carefully tracking performances that I want to review with parents and using technology wherever I can (Views So Far 267 )

Parent Engagement - Multiple Methods To Meet Parents Where They Are - by Chris Wejr
Account of how one school reaches out using various methods, both social media based and not, to improve parent engagement. (Views So Far 290 )


Using Technology (4) new
More and more, schools are using technology to provide an additional channel with which to communicate with parent and the community. While face to face communication is still the best way to interact with parents, technology is effective in communicating factual information, but it's expanding through the use of parental portals. Read more here.