Top : Communication Between Teachers And Parents : Page 2 :
There are other methods and means to improve communication between home and school, parents and teachers. In this section you'll find more advice on this process.
Available Help About: Communication Between Teachers And Parents
Academic: COMMUNICATION SKILLS FOR TEACHING - by Anna Maria Pessoa de CarvalhoPdf research type document with tons of research citations on communication skills for teachers. Both wide and indepth coverage, but a bit of a slog. (Views So Far 319 )
Are Parent-Teacher Conferences Outdated? - by MICHELLE HORTON
In Amy Wilson's piece, "In Pre-K, No News Is Good News," she makes the argument that parent-teacher meetings -- especially in preschool -- should be more on a need-to-meet basis. "I'm not saying preschool conferences are counterproductive; any parent who has that 20 minutes to spare is happy to hear how adorable her child is, or to peruse a selection of that child's scribblings. Nor am I suggesting discussing preschoolers' progress with their teachers can never be useful. At our middle child's pre-kindergarten conference, his teacher surprised us both with stories of our son's frustration and unhappiness in the classroom. That honest talk led to our holding him back, a decision we feel great about today. But even in that case, I was left frustrated that we had to wait until an arbitrary date nine weeks into the school year to hear that our child was having such difficulty." (Views So Far 299 )
Ask an expert: Improving parent-teacher interviews - Canadian Living - by Dr. Linda Cameron
Although there are some effective alternatives happening in many places, the traditional interview routine has the teacher sitting at a desk and reporting to the parent/caregiver about what the child has done or not done, effectively or unsatisfactorily. The parents listen. A few questions and responses might be exchanged before the interview ends and the next parent enters and the routine repeats. There seems to be little expectation -- and hence hope -- that the parent-teacher interview will make a difference for the child, for the parent and for the teacher. (Views So Far 334 )
Building a Positive Parent-Teacher Relationship - by Lynn Ziraldo
A practical guide to improving home school, teacher parent communication. Lots of suggestions here. (Views So Far 320 )
Building Bridges from School to Home - Examples Of How To Do It - by Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot
There is no more complex and tender geography than the borderlands between families and schools. Everyone believes that parents and teachers should be allies and partners. After all, we are all engaged in the important and precious work of raising, guiding, and teaching our children. But all too often, parents and teachers feel estranged from and suspicious of each other. The relationship can become competitive and adversarial rather than collaborative and empathie. What can teachers do to build stronger ties? Nearly all the teachers I interviewed reported that they receive little, if any, training on building successful relationships with the parents of the children that they teach. Yet, how teachers approach encounters with parents from the first day has a profound effect not only on how parents view the school, but also on the child's experience in and outlook on school and learning as a whole. Teachers need to develop strategies, tools, and skills for supporting productive dialogue with parents. They need to value the authority and wisdom of parents. (Views So Far 334 )
Building Parent-Teacher Relationships - Options - by American Federation of Teachers
This is pretty basic stuff about the options for interaction between parents and teachers, but it might spark some ideas, since there are other ways to do it outside the traditional parent-teacher conference. Also has a link to a tape recording of a sample telephone discussion, which is kind of cool. (Views So Far 219 )