Easy To Forget: School Principals Set The Tone And School Culture By Robert Bacal
I first noticed, as a high school student, that my friends going to other high schools seemed to have very different experiences than I did. Of course I didn't have any idea WHY, or HOW, being a callow youth, but I had this gut feeling that somehow, one school within the same school board was...well different.
Later on, as an adult, I had the opportunity to coordinate and supervise practice teaching in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and got to visit a good fifteen different high schools, meet with the principals, and sit in on classes to observe and supervise my students.
Role Of The Principal: Different Principals, Different Climate
What first jumped out were differences in the "feel" of different schools -- something that I could feel on my initial visits to talk to principals about accepting my practice teaching students. I noticed, even on walking through the halls, that some schools were happy, with students helping each other, lots of laughing, and a comfortable atmosphere, while in other schools, there didn't seem to be the same energy.
What was interesting was that when I got to talk with the principals, I found that the positive school climates always existed when the principals were also positive, upbeat, and willing to accept our practice teachers. Schools where the feel was differerent, and less positive, had principals that were hesitant to host my students, or outright refused. Their interpersonal demeanor was gruffer, harsher, and much less inviting.
It was clear to me that each principal had a strong influence on the students, but also on the teachers in each school, in fact a much stronger influence than I would have thought.
It's Easy To Forget That Part Of The Principal's Job
Let's face it. Principals have so many items on their plates, dealing with teachers, students, and parents in their schools, but also have to deal upwards with superintendents, school boards, and of course, they have to handle all the standard administrative tasks. It's a very difficult and demanding job. Sometimes overwhelming. So, it's not surprising that one can forget that principals are school leaders, who shape the school climate, which ultimately reflects their own styles and attitudes.
It's worth taking a few minutes now and again to reflect on the question:
How does my behavior, style, and communication tone affect the school culture, and how students and parents perceive my school?
Top : Principals Connecting With Parents :
While teachers are the main contact with parents, principals are also important in a number of ways for building bridges between home and school. In this section, you'll find advice, ideas and methods for increasing parental involvement and working more effectively with parents for principals
More For Principals, School Climate And Shaping Parental Involvement: Principals Connecting With Parents
3 Poor Principal Assumptions On "Being Connected" - by Joe MazzaA little over 5 years ago, I arrived at Knapp Elementary School as a brand new 29 year-old principal. The leader I replaced was very active in the community and had spent much of his career at the school. There was a certain culture that I was entering, and understanding and adapting to this was my first task as principal. Reflecting back, I can now see some glaring blindspots I missed during those first couple of years. The biggest "swing and misses" I took during those early days were following through on assumptions "I thought" were good for my learning community (Views So Far 313 )
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Early Evaluation Of New York City's Teacher Bonus System - by Matthew Springer
An early analysis of New York city's attempts at using teacher bonus pay to improve educational outcomes. Academic research paper. (Views So Far 441 )
For Principals: Working With Negative People - by na
Principals often have to work with negative people, either parents, or staff. Here's some advice on how to cope with it successfully. Excerpt: A positive school culture starts at the top -- with the principal. But even the most upbeat principal knows that pockets of negativity can surface and spread, sometimes slowly and quietly and other times like wildfire. That's why wise principals always keep their radar tuned, watching for signs of discontent. (Views So Far 350 )
More Principals E-Mailing Parents - by EdWorld
Chronicles principals using email more and more to contact parents. Unfortunately, while it's great for some things, it's not good for emotionally charged communication so be careful on this one. (Views So Far 315 )
Parental Involvement in our Schools (Advice For Principals) - by Eileen Rygus
Building relationships and communicating clearly emerged as two highly successful themes from this study. Because principals realized relationship building is time-consuming and their teachers were busy, the principals I interviewed made it their responsibility to build relationships with parents. These successful principals employed the following five strategies (Views So Far 324 )