Inspirational Stories For Teachers When You Hit "Those Dark Days"
There's probably not a teacher on the planet who hasn't experienced "dark days", when the kids don't seem to care, parents have nothing to say except criticize, and you just wonder why in the world you got out of bed, not to mention coming in to school.
Teaching is tough, but one of the things to keep in mind is that teachers DO make a difference, sometimes in such signficant ways that its startling. You may not even realize that YOUR contribution, the one that is most powerful in keeping you going lies not so much in your students "getting" the subject, learning how to add, or subtract, but in your ability to instil the love of something, whether it be inspiring someone to become a teacher, or to follow a different career path.
It those life changing influences that teachers need to hold on to, to get through the dark days. So, next time you can't remember why you are a teacher, think about how you have made a difference, and remind yourself that you DO make a difference, often one that changes lives for the better, and contribute in a way that lasts way beyond your year with those specific kids.
Inspirational Stories For Teachers To Draw Upon
Below you'll find links that highlight just how important your job is, and how, even if you don't always know it, you are accomplishing things, and changing lives.
Top : Inspirational Stories For Teachers :
Even teachers have bad days, so here are some reminders that even if you don't know it, you ARE changing lives through the work you do
Teachers Changing Lives: Inspirational Stories For Teachers
Good teachers make a huge difference-Journalist Shares His Magical Teachers - by David GrayDavid Gray, host of CBC Radio's The Homestretch, says it takes just a few good teachers to turn on a child's imagination. Gray, a journalist with two decades of experience covering stories in Canada and around the world, has three favourite teachers. He has great memories of his junior high school French teacher, Mrs. Chris Knebel, who taught at Senator Patrick Burns Junior High School, in Calgary. "She made a classroom more than a place you went for class--it was okay to hang around," says Gray, citing a time when his best friend lost his father and Knebel instinctively knew "that we needed a place to hang out." pop (Views So Far 1154 )
Teachers' stories need to be heard - by Steve Zemelman
A teacher in Chicago speak out on the importance of getting more POSITIVE stories about what teachers do and what they accomplish, since the media often focuses on the bad news. pop (Views So Far 859 )
The Gift - A Teacher's Special Moment - by Yvette Rivera
A moving story from teacher Yvette Rivera: Excerpt: On the final trip to my room, John hugged me a long time and said, "Thank you Ms. Rivera. I love you." Those words have changed my life forever. Those were words I know that child had not said in a very long time, but he felt that he could tell me. As I waved goodbye and assured him that I loved him too, I knew that I would never forget John. How can you forget the student that illustrates to you that teaching is more than just grades and books? Teaching is about those life altering moments you never expect. Teaching is about touching a student's life and having a student touch yours. pop (Views So Far 1427 )
The Teacher Who Made A Difference: A Hearing Impaired Student's Story - by Stephen J. Hopson
It's so easy to forget that something that seems so small can have a huge impact on a particular student. In this story, former student, and hearing impaired person shares the three impossibly "small" three word phrase that changes his thinking as a child. pop (Views So Far 1151 )
What’s the Most Important Lesson You Learned from a Teacher? | NeuroTribes - by Steve Silberman
A collection of stories from people in science and the media about how their lives have been influences by that one special teacher. A great pick-me up. pop (Views So Far 1297 )