Schools Doing Innovative Things To Foster Communication Between Parents and Teachers
Most people see educational systems as rather rigid and lacking innovation, doing the same old things over and over again, but that's not true. One reason why there is MORE innovation in school systems is the way they are structured, as compared to other "government" organizations. Because schools are more localized, and much closer to the community, there's more flexibility in trying out new and different ways to conduct the business of educating children. School trustees are more accessible, as are teacher, compared to other government type department staff.
In fact, many schools and school systems are trying different methods to encourage parents to become more involved partners in the education of their children.
This Section: Focus On Innovations In Building Better Home-School Communication
In this section we celebrate that innovation -- school boards that are trying out different methods, sometimes successful, sometimes not. Still we need to spread the word that schools aren't the places of rigid thinking, and that at least, most are trying to improve things for the parents and children.
Top : Innovative Ideas On Home and And School Cooperation : Page 2 :
There are a fair number of rather innovative approaches to bringing parents and schools closer together for the benefit of the students. Here you'll find some of the more interesting concepts.
Innovative Ideas On Home and And School Cooperation
Parent Homework Bridges the Teacher-Student Gap - National Writing Project - by Mary BuckelewI teach students who are identified as being at-risk of school failure or of dropping out-a rather disenfranchised group-so I am constantly looking for ways to personally connect with my students and their families and to help them connect with school. Of course, getting to know my students as individuals with distinct stories, tastes, goals, struggles, and learning styles, is critical to this connection. But sheer numbers can make this goal difficult to achieve. While I instantly connect with some of my more outgoing students, it can be months before I really get to know others-and by then the school year is half over. About five years ago, my colleague Terry Cole shared with me a strategy he uses to bridge the information gap: he assigns "parent homework" that helps him connect with every student and every family right at the beginning of the school year. I knew right away that this would be a powerful tool for helping me establish these invaluable relationships. I began assigning parent homework then and, based on enthusiastic parent response, have continued this practice every year since. (Views So Far 336 )
Parental Involvement Innovation: Parents Step Into Students' Sneakers for a Day! - by na
Very cool. One school's innovative program for getting more parental involvement. Parents get to attend school and shadow for an entire day. (Views So Far 266 )