Top : Emergency Planning For Schools :
School safety is a top priority these days, and if there's anything positive that's come out of the publicized school violence incidents, it's that they have caused schools and school boards to develop better emergency plans. In this section we'll look at a variety of threats to safety in schools, i
Available Help About: Emergency Planning For Schools
Free Intteractive Training For Educators On Bomb Threats At School - by ThreatPlanThe Bomb Threat CD-ROM was developed by the U.S. Department of Justice's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools. The Bomb Threat CD-ROM is a FREE interactive planning tool for schools that included staff training presentation and implementation resources. ATF will distribute the CD-ROM to State and local law enforcement and public safety agencies and the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools will handle distribution to the country's public and private school systems. (Views So Far 363 )
Free Training On Emergency Management For Schools - by U.S Department of Education
Excellent free training webcasts for educators, schools, and school boards to help them prepare for various kinds of school emergencies. Excerpt: On this site, viewers can access four one-hour Web casts, each featuring one of the four phases of emergency management. These Web casts can be played in conjunction with the Power Point presentations made available at the following Web sites to enhance schools' training experience. It is OSDFS' hope that these materials will assist schools, and school personnel, in improving their overall preparedness efforts. (Views So Far 355 )
Practical Information on Crisis Planning - Downloadable Guide For Educators - by U.S Department of Education
Covers various aspects of being prepared for school emergencies. Read the brief article, or download the more detailed guide that covers mitigation and prevention, response, preparedness, and recovery. (Views So Far 329 )
School Emergency & Crisis Response Plan Guide - by Illinois Department of Education
On this page you'll find a number of resources on planning to handle a wide variety of school emergencies and crises, from school drills to multi hazards. Ideal for school administrators. (Views So Far 399 )