Contribute Or Suggest A Site For Inclusion In The Teacher's Search Engine

I try to update and add new sites regularly, but I'm sure I miss many sites that add value, and are a little harder to find. So, I welcome suggestions for websites, blogs and any other resources that are of interest to teachers, school principals, administrators and school staff.

If you have a suggestion to make, whether it's your site or blog, or whether it's one you think is just great, you can do that. And, we'd be appreciative.

Remember that we include only the best sites, and we are particularly partial to independent sites that are not so much commercial as sharing sites for teachers. I look carefully to decide if there's unique content, how easy the site is to access, and other criteria.

How To Submit A Site

It's easy. To make things simple, use the comment/interaction form below to give us the url link, and PLEASE tell us a little about what makes the site useful to educators. It's that easy. We can't reply to each suggestion or submission, but I'll try to reply in the thread to let you know if we went ahead to include it.

Remember: If it's your own site, we understand why you would want additional exposure but please keep in mind the criteria for inclusion listed here.

We'd love to hear from teachers, administrators, support staff, and parents on the content on this page and on how we can build better communication and cooperations between school and home. Our "commenting rules" are simple.
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